My first week in Spain!

Hello all! Greetings from Granada (and Córdoba and Sevilla), Spain! I'm currently completing my Spanish degree studying abroad and I'm having a blast. I plan to post weekly or so often on here to make sure you guys are keeping up with all the fun and learning!

Here's my first day in Granada, post tea time, post a mile and a half hike straight up to see this view of the Albaicin, post the never ending battle to fly here:

I forgot to take my actual camera this day, but this whole first week was excursions out and about in the cities we're studying. We visited Alhambra and el Palacio allá!

We then took a day trip to Córdoba to see Las Ruinas de Al-Zarha and the ancient Muslim-turned-Catholic-Mosques!

Then we spent the weekend in Sevilla, Kansas City's sister city (the Country Club Plaza is modeled after La Torre de Sevilla)! We climbed 34 flights of that dang tower, we saw Christopher Columbus' tomb, and we toured the Cathedral!

Later that same day (in 105+ degree heat no less) we toured La Iglesia del Salvador and I had a super cool moment! I met Santa Ana! Santa Ana, the Virgin Mary's mother, patron saint of pregnant women and babies, is the St. Ann family saint and our namesake!

The next day, we saw La Plaza de España! The Plaza has little 'bancos' that are dedicated to the other cities in Spain! I got photos with my favorite cities!

And lastly in Sevilla, we saw the Alcazar! What a first week it has been, can't wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store!


My Day at the Bernabéu!


SKC vs. St. Louis FC 1-0; US Open Cup